Miniatures / Miniaturen - Folding Blade Knives

PUMA Miniature / Miniaturen Folding Blade Knives, there are various model numbers. The handles were hand made from genuine buffalo horn, grendaill / African black wood, ivory, jacaranda, mother of pearl, and stag.

PUMA has made three different generations of miniature knives. They are very unique and detailed.

1st Generation: This generation came in satin lined green leather and colored plastic boxes.

1) Game Warden > 62 0970 > Jacaranda.

2) Mini Folder > 61 7073 > Jacaranda.

3) Mini Folder > 62 0700 > Grenadill - African black wood.

4) Mini Folder > 62 7071 > Jacaranda.

3) Mini Folder > 62 7072 > Jacaranda.

4) Mini Folder > 68 7075 ) Ivory.

5) Mini folder > 68 7076 > Mother of Pearl.

6) Mini Folder > 31 4602 > Jacaranda.

7) Super Mini Folder > 61 7048 > Buffalo Horn.

2nd Generation: This generation came in a black cardboard box.

1) Gent Folder > P210610 > Stag.

2) Micro Folder > P210600 MOP > Mother of Pearl.

3) Micro Folder > P210600 > Stag.

4) Micro Folder > P210600SRB > Red Bone.

3rd Generation: This generation came in a black velvet lined box.

1) Game Warden > 62 0970 > Jacaranda.


Miniatures - Fixed Blade Knives


Mini Folder 3 Piece Set